Dra. Nina Skorin-Kapov

Associate Professor / Profesor Contratado Doctor (Acredit. ANECA de TU 2012)

Teléfono: +34-968-188-723
E-Mail: nina.skorinkapov@cud.upct.es
Despacho: 24
Grupo de investigación: GICOT

Nina Skorin-Kapov was born in Zagreb, Croatia, in 1981 and grew up in Vancouver, Canada, and Long Island, New York, USA. In 1996 she returned to Croatia and received her Dipl-Ing (Telecommunications and Informatics) and PhD degrees from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing at the University of Zagreb, Croatia, in 2003 and 2006, respectively.  In 2006-7, she completed a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Télécom ParisTech (formerly Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications, ENST), Paris, France. In 2008, she joined the Department of Telecommunications at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing at the University of Zagreb as an Assistant Professor, and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2012. In 2013, she joined the Centro Universitario de la Defensa de San Javier (CUD, University Center of Defense at the Spanish Air Force Academy), Santiago de la Ribera, Murcia, Spain, associated to the Technical University of Cartagena (Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, UPCT), where she is currently an Associate Professor (PCD) and Head of the Computational and Telecommunications Engineering Group (GICOT) research group.  Her main research interests include optimization and planning of communication networks, wide-area optical networks, operations research,  (meta)-heuristic algorithms. She currently serves on the Editorial Board of IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking and has served on Technical Program Comittees of numerous international conferences, such as ONDM, Networks, IEEE Globecom, IEEE ICC, ACP and IEEE HPSR.


Descargar curriculum (CV)

Currently teaching: Undergraduate course: Electomagnetic Exploration Systems Masters course: Metaheuristics Graph Theory

Currently teaching:

Undergraduate course:

Electomagnetic Exploration Systems

Masters course:


Graph Theory


M. Šilić, M. Sužnjević, L. Skorin-Kapov, N. Skorin-Kapov, M. Izquierdo Lorenzana. (2024).The Impact of Video Encoding Parameters on QoE of Simulated FPV Drone Control. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 83(), 71525–71557. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-024-18442-2
N. Skorin-Kapov, L. Mesarić, F. Pereñíguez García, L. Skorin-Kapov. (2024).Scheduling aerial resource operations for the extinction of large-scale wildfires. The International Journal of Management Science Omega, 122(), 102941. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.omega.2023.102941
P. Pavon-Marino*, N. Skorin-Kapov*, A. Napoli (*equally contributing authors). (2023).Tree-Determination, Routing and Spectrum Assignment (TRSA) using Point-to-Multipoint Coherent Optics. IEEE/OPTICA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, 15(7), C29-C40. 10.1364/JOCN.482457
P. Pavon-Marino, N. Skorin-Kapov, M. V. Bueno-Delgado, J. Back and A. Napoli. (2022).On the benefits of point-to-multipoint coherent optics for multilayer capacity planning in ring networks with varying traffic profiles. in IEEE/OPTICA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, 14(5), B30-B44. 10.1364/JOCN.448123.
R. Santos, N. Skorin-Kapov , H. Ghazzai, A. Kassler, Gia KhanhTran. (2022).Towards the Optimal Orchestration of Steerable mmWave Backhaul Reconfiguration. Computer Networks, 205(), . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2021.108750
N. Skorin-Kapov, R. Santos, H. Ghazzai, A. Kassler. (2021).A Randomized Greedy Heuristic for Steerable Wireless Backhaul Reconfiguration. Electronics, 10(4), 1-18. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics10040434
F.-J. Moreno Muro, N. Skorin-Kapov, P. Pavon-Marino. (2019).Revisiting Core Traffic Growth in the Presence of Expanding CDNs. Computer Networks, 154(), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2019.03.005
J.L. Marzo, S.G. Cosgaya, N. Skorin-Kapov, C. Scoglio, H. Shakeri. (2019).A study of the robustness of optical networks under massive failures. Optical Switching and Networking, 31(), 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.osn.2018.07.002
A. Muhammad, N. Skorin-Kapov, M. Furdek. (2017).Manycast, Anycast and Replica Placement (MARP) in Optical Inter-Datacenter Networks. IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, 9(12), 1161-1171. 10.1364/JOCN.9.001161
N. Skorin-Kapov, M. Furdek, Z. Szilard, L. Wosinska. (2016).Physical-Layer Security in Evolving Optical Networks. IEEE Communications Magazine, 54(8), 110-117. 10.1109/MCOM.2016.7537185
. (2016).Attack-Aware Dedicated Path Protection in Optical Networks. IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 34(4), 1050-1061. 10.1109/JLT.2015.2509161
N. Skorin-Kapov, A. Jirattigalachote, L. Wosinska. (2014).An ILP Formulation for Power Equalization Placement to Limit Jamming Attack Propagation in Transparent Optical Networks. Security and Communication Networks, 7(), 2463–2468. 10.1002/sec.958
R. Aparicio-Pardo, B. Garcia-Manrubia, P. Pavon-Marino, N. Skorin-Kapov, M. Furdek. (2013).Balancing CapEx Reduction and Network Stability with Stable Routing-Virtual Topology Capacity Adjustment (SR-VTCA). Optical Switching and Networking (Winner of the Fabio Neri Best Paper Award for 2013) , 10(4), 343–353. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.osn.2013.05.001
R. Aparicio-Pardo, N. Skorin-Kapov, P. Pavon-Marino and B. Garcia-Manrubia. (2012).(Non)-Reconfigurable Virtual Topology Design under Multi-hour Traffic in Optical Networks. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 222(3), 418-429. 10.1109/TNET.2012.2184300
N. Skorin-Kapov, M.Furdek, R. Aparicio Pardo and P. Pavón Mariño. (2012).Wavelength Assignment for In-band Crosstalk Attacks in Optical Networks: ILP Formulations and Heuristic Algorithms. European Journal of Operational Research, 222(3), 418-429. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2012.05.022
P. Pavon Marino, N. Skorin-Kapov. (2011).Stable Routing with Virtual Topology Capacity Adjustment: A novel paradigm for operating optical networks. IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, 3(12), 902-911. 10.1364/JOCN.3.000902
18. Amornrat Jirattigalachote, Nina Skorin-Kapov, Marija Furdek, Jiajia Chen, Paolo Monti, and Lena Wosinska. (2011).Sparse Power Equalization Placement for Limiting Jamming Attack Propagation in Transparent Optical Networks. Optical Switching and Networking, 8(4), 249-258. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.osn.2011.06.008
M. Furdek, N. Skorin-Kapov, M. Grbac. (2010).Attack-Aware Wavelength Assignment for Localization of In-band Crosstalk Attack Propagation. IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, 2(11), 1000-1009. 10.1364/JOCN.2.001000
N. Skorin-Kapov, J. Chen, L. Wosinska. (2010).A New Approach to Optical Networks Security: Attack Aware Routing and Wavelength Assignment. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 18(3), 750-760. 10.1109/TNET.2009.2031555
P. Pavon-Marino, R. Aparicio-Pardo, B. Garcia-Manrubia and N. Skorin-Kapov. (2010).Virtual topology design and flow routing in optical networks under multi-hour traffic demand. Photonic Network Communications, 19(1), 42-54. 10.1007/s11107-009-0209-7
N. Skorin-Kapov, O. Tonguz, N. Puech. (2007).Towards efficient failure management for reliable transparent optical networks. IEEE Communications Magazine, 11(6), 72-79. 10.1109/MCOM.2009.4939279
N. Skorin-Kapov. (2007).A New Objective Criterion and Rounding Techniques for Determining Virtual Topologies in Optical Networks. IEEE Communication Letters, 11(6), 540-542. 10.1109/LCOMM.2007.070119
24. N. Skorin-Kapov. (2007).Routing and Wavelength Assignment in Optical Networks Using Bin Packing Based algorithms. European Journal of Operational Research, 177(2), 1167-1179. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2006.01.003
N. Skorin-Kapov. (2006).Heuristic Algorithms for the Routing and Wavelength Assignment of Scheduled Lightpath Demands in Optical Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 24(8), 2-15. 10.1109/JSAC.2003.816622
N. Skorin-Kapov, M. Kos. (2006).A GRASP Heuristic for the Delay-Constrained Multicast Routing Problem. Telecommunication Systems, 32(1), 55-69. DOI: 10.1007/s11235-006-8202-2
27. N. Skorin-Kapov. (2006).Multicast Routing and Wavelength Assignment in WDM Networks: A Bin Packing Approach. OSA Journal of Optical Networking, 5(4), 266-279. 10.1364/JON.5.000266
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R. Aparicio-Pardo, B. Garcia-Manrubia, N. Skorin-Kapov, P. Pavon-Marino. (2012).
Heuristic Approaches for Periodic Reconfiguration of Lightpath-based Networks under Multi-hour Traffic. Journal of Networks, Special Issue on "Transparent Optical Networking”, 5(7), 800-811. 10.4304/jnw.7.5.800-811

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